A Sentimental Post

Hey guys!

Oh my goodness, it has been forEVER since I’ve posted. I miss you guys so much. My life has been INSANE though and I have had no time to blog. My meals have been so boring and repetitive, so I have no food pictures for you at all. I’m sorry. :/ I will tell you that I have had a hummus, avocado and black bean sandwich for lunch every day this week, though. Pretty exciting, I know. I can also update you on my life, if you’d like?

Well, last time we talked I told you about my ballroom showcase. That is over and done, and it went very well. Smile Everyone did an awesome job and it was a nice send out from my ballroom team in Texas.





Here’s a video of my West Coast Swing routine. West Coast Swing is my absolute favorite dance, so I had a good time with this one. Smile

We had a great time. When that ended, my life was overwhelmed with packing. Let me just tell you guys, this move was one of the hardest things I have ever done. It was SO hard to pack up my life of 17 years. I’ve always lived in that home, in that city, and to leave it was extremely challenging. Many tears were shed on moving day and the farewell party the night before, but we had a lot of great friends that came to soften the blow. Two families that our family has been with close with for MANY years (I met one of them when I was two!) came over to comfort us and be with us the day we left. They stayed with us up until the moment we pulled out of the driveway for the last time, and it was so nice.

Another thing that happened recently, I am very sad to say, was the passing of my amazing grandpa. He passed away on July 4th, 2011. He was my dad’s dad, and I was very, very close with him. It was very unexpected.. he was only 68 and he died of a random heart attack. It was one of the most shocking, unexpected things I have ever had to deal with and it was extremely hard. I learned so many wonderful lessons from my grandpa, but the one lesson I will never forget was his constant example of charity. My grandpa was the most giving, helpful person I have ever met. He always looked for opportunities to serve others and help them, even when it wasn’t easy for him to do so. I hope to one day be like him and help others as much as he did. I love and miss him so much.

Another important lesson that my grandpa taught me was the value of hard work. Although he was extremely charitable, he believed that it was important to work hard for your rewards. He gave my oldest brother, Brady, a car, but only after Brady had worked for many years and received his Eagle Scout requirement. Even then, the car was what you would call “a fixer-upper.” I’ve been to some church camps that my grandpa offered to help with financially, but not until I spent all day up at his apartment, deep-cleaning the inside and working on the garden and bushes outside. He showed me that rewards come from effort and dedication.

One thing I was always grateful for was the amount of time my grandpa spent with me. My other grandparents live out of state, but Grandpa Edwards was a mere 30 minutes away. He took full advantage of that, and I have many memories of random lunch trips, zoo exhibitions, and Christmas mornings with him. He was so funny and loved to tease. Some of my cousins called him the “silly grandpa” because of his silly personality. Grandpa could always make me happy. He was a special man and I feel honored to be called his granddaughter.

Unfortunately, the fourth of July will never be the same for me again, but I can’t help but think how appropriate it is. It is so like my grandpa to want to go out with a bang—the bigger, the better. Although the signing of the Declaration of Independence is extremely important, from now on, the fireworks on the fourth of July will be a representation and reminder of my amazing, funny, charitable, generous, kind and happy Grandpa Edwards.

grandpa edwardsThomas Wayne Edwards
(May 27, 1943 – July 4, 2011)

Even though there have been lots of challenges lately, there have also been a lot of positive things. So far, our move to Utah has been excellent. I’m really enjoying it here. The weather is wonderful and the summer is so nice. Everyone here has a garden, which is the coolest thing ever. We visited some friends yesterday and they allowed us to pick three huge zucchini, broccoli, romaine, kale, raspberries and apricots all from their organic garden. Needless to say, I was a happy girl!

The ballroom situation has been good, too. Ballroom is such a big deal and I feel completely in my element here. It’s great to hang around kids who do what I do, and I’ve already made a lot of friends. Everybody is soo nice and welcoming, and they are quick to offer help when it’s needed. Things are just getting started with my team and I’m really excited. I’m learning a ton, and I’ll be sure to post updates as things go on. Smile

One thing that’s been interesting is the fact that I’m still living out of a suitcase. We don’t have a home right now, and we’re living with some friends until we can find a place. Just so you know, it is quite tricky to be a food blogger when you’re running at 100 mph and you don’t have your own kitchen to just experiment in. Just saying, haha. I really appreciate your guys’ patience with me in my absence, but also know that the absence has not come to an end. There probably won’t be any new recipes or anything for quite a while. I will do my best though!

Anyway, sorry this wasn’t the most happy or uplifting post in the world. You can’t win them all, right? I hope to hear from you guys and I also hope to be back soon! Have a great rest of the summer. Smile

Thanks for reading!


13 responses to “A Sentimental Post

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about your Grandpa! It sounds like God truly blessed you with such a great man in your life! People like that make us all the stronger for the challenges that we face in life. Keep your head up! I’m praying for you and your family!

  2. spoonfulofsugarfree

    The same thing happened to my life two years ago. I left my home where I have always lived and moved halfway across the country after my Grandma (who I was very close to) died. It’s hard! I know exactly what your feeling. Just know he is in a better place and you will see him soon! Our lives here are short, but our lives in Heaven last forever-millions of years to catch up with your grandpa 🙂 And moving is hard, too. Very, very busy, but I am so glad to hear you are adjusting well (and the gardens! WOW!). You can find great people everywhere. I think moving makes you a more well-rounded person.

    Have a great time, Kelsey!

  3. Aww Kelsey I’m sorry about your grandfather. From the way your described him I can tell you were super close. Losing family members is so hard. Stay strong!! I’m sure he would be so proud of the way you’re handling the stress of your life right now.
    That video was awesome. You’re such a good dancer!!!

  4. Oh Kelsey!! I am so sorry about your grandpa. I know that must have been very hard for him to go. I remember when my grandma and grandpa died — it was just so unexpected! But I know that they are in a better place now and that they are happy. That is all I would want for them.

    Kelz, Ballroon and you go together like PB and J. 🙂 Cuz you’re Peanut Buttah and Ballroom is Jelly and you’re so happy on your little peice of bread. 🙂 Haha, I love your West Coast Routine! I wish I could have been there.

    Have a wonderful day Darling!

  5. Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry about your grandpa. I lost my grandma recently and it was not easy.
    I’m also moving very soon and it’s going to be hard to leave the town I grew up in.

    So happy to hear from you!

  6. Kaila @healthyhelperblog!

    I’m so sorry about your Grandpa…..losing my grandpa was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through too.

    Glad the move went well though! Keep your spirits up!

  7. The Teenage Taste

    WOW, Kelsey! You are an absolutely AMAZING dancer. Thanks for sharing the videos. 😀

  8. I’m so sorry to hear about your grandfather 😦 He sounds like he was an amazing person!

  9. I’m so sorry to hear about your Grandpa Kelsey. Gosh and that on top of your big move, dealing with finding a place for your dogs, and all the other things you have to deal with, it’s definitely understandable why you’ve been away from your blog! I’m glad to hear you like Utah though. That’s true, everyone does have a garden! haha I hadn’t thought about that. Have you eaten your weight in zucchini yet? ha my family sure has. Anyways hope things are getting better now considering the circumstances and I hope you continue to like living in Utah! We need to plan a lunch date or something one of these days. There’s a place called Ginger’s Cafe in Springville that I have a feeling you’d love.

    Have a good rest of the summer!

  10. It’s amazing knowing that there are certain people that come into our lives that we feel are angels, truly loving people that we are inspired by, and that change us for the better. This was a beautiful post! Kelsey, thank you so much for sharing. You have a light inside you that is beautiful, and that radiates for the world to see.

    xoxo ❤

  11. Pingback: My Life Is Full Of Butterflies! « KatsHealthCorner

  12. Im sorry about your grandpa – it looks like he blessed your life in so many ways though, and with memories youll always have x

  13. Im a big fan! And u are an awesome dancer! Love minor details!

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