A short post?! It can’t be!

Yes, you read that right! I am finally all caught up and this will not be a super long post like my normal ones! Shocker, I know.

Last night I made the Blueberry Crumble out of Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Diet Cookbook.

Pretty good, but it didn’t taste like much more than baked blueberries with a little bit of granola on top. I guess that’s basically what it was anyway, with the addition of 3/4 of a 1/8 cup sucanat and 1/2 TBSP cornstarch. I know, cornstarch isn’t clean, but the recipe called for arrowroot powder, which I do not have.

I also sprinkled it with some freeze-dried apples and strawberries.

It made 6 servings, so my mom, brother and I each had a serving last night, then we put the leftovers to use this morning.

Blueberry Oatmeal:

  • 1/3 cup oats cooked in 2/3 cup water
  • 1 1/2 TBSP wheat germ
  • 1/4 scoop protein powder (cake batter. Can’t wait to be done with this protein powder! It’s not 100% natural and I’d prefer one that is.)
  • 1 serving left over Blueberry Crumble
  • Cinnamon
  • Sprinkle of organic granola

Pretty good and it was nice to use up the leftover Crumble so fast as opposed to having it sit in my fridge for days. The reason I added the protein powder is because I just can’t choke down plain oats… yet.

Since 1/4 scoop of protein powder is not a sufficient amount of protein, I had 1/3 of this with my oatmeal:

Egg bake made with 6 egg whites (seasoned with onion powder, garlic salt, dill powder and tzatziki), tomatoes, spinach, broccoli and onions.

I saw this idea on Kayla‘s blog, so I decided to give it a shot! Thanks Kayla! I topped mine with hummus and it was sooo good. I might have to make more tomorrow. My brother Dakota wasn’t so fond of it, but I didn’t think he would be. It was worth a shot. Baby steps, right? šŸ˜›

I gotta go now. I’m trying to tackle some HUUUGE projects this week, including getting my driver’s permit, cleaning Dakota’s room, clearing out my older brother Brady’s room so I can move in, and making a cool book of quotes for future devotionals and such. Long story. šŸ˜›

Thanks for reading!

Kelsey šŸ™‚

One response to “A short post?! It can’t be!

  1. I’m glad you liked my egg bake recipe, Kelsey! It’s one of personal favorites. The hummus as a topping sounds yummy! I may have to try that soon šŸ™‚

    Good luck on getting your permit this week!


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